The shore and neighboring woods of Canthook Lake near Iron River represent a happy place for me. I was blessed to visit here for long weekends when I was a kid through a program with the Boy Scouts. Our scout leader Lee Getschow owned at the time a six hundred acre licensed deer farm that he called “Ge-Ca-Wa”. It was located near Iron River, WI in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest.
There were two basic cabins nestled along the shoreline of Canthook Lake, one of two lakes and three ponds on the property. The property had deer, bears, badgers, beavers, and many other amazing creatures. We spent most of our time outdoors on those trips. We would spend our free time exploring the land, in fact, I passed all the requirements for my orienteering merit badge there learning how to use a compass and map to navigate from the pier at Canthook Lake to an old abandoned bus that was on the property. I remember the sense of accomplishment of successfully navigating it. The time spent in the woods on this property solidified my love for nature and the outdoors.
If we were not exploring or bow hunting we were enjoying paddling canoes on Canthook lake. At night we still enjoyed the outdoors playing a game on a neighboring hill where one kid would be selected to stand at the top of the hill with a flashlight inside a twelve-foot ring. The rest of the group would start at the bottom and try to secretively make their way to the top without being identified (caught) by jumping from fox hole to fox hole and hiding behind trees.
I have so many wonderful memories that were formed on that land. I learned so much from our scout leaders and fellow scouts there.
Not long ago I was reminiscing about those wonderful days and did some google searching to see if I could find out what happened to that land. I discovered that the Getschow family sold the land to the Trust for Public Land (TPL) which then transferred it to the U.S. Forest Service which manages the land. This land is now available to the public. Former caretaker of Ge-Ca-Wa Lee Fox said Getschow “…wanted to keep it wild and preserve it”.
On a recent road trip to Duluth, MN I decided to take a few hours to visit Canthook Lake. I am not sure what I expected, but I was a bit surprised when we arrived to see no signs of the former deer farm. The two cabins are gone as was the outhouse that sat on a hill behind them, with a brilliant view of Canthook Lake. We used to cruise the property in pick-up trucks and the wheel ruts made from them are almost fully reclaimed, had I not been looking for them I might have missed them.
It was nice and peaceful to sit there. I enjoyed sharing with my son some of the stories about my time there. There was something comforting about knowing that land is there for all to enjoy. If you are ever in the north woods of Wisconsin and looking for a beautiful spot. Check out Canthook Lake. I know Lee Getschow would be glad you came.
Our family was the WA in Ge-Ca-Wa and I have been back several times myself.
It was an incredibly beautiful place and your article describes the property to a tee.
I was more of a fisherman than a hunter but I enjoyed every square inch of that property.
Great article !!
Phil – Thanks so much for your comment. Glad to hear you have been back as well. It truly is a special place. I enjoyed the outdoor time more than the hunting as well!
Great prose on Ge-Ca-WA–I miss Coach Getsch and those days as well. Glad to hear you are passing it on to the next generation.
Wanna join for the Wolf River outing? (Same first weekends of June…)
Look me up when next in K-town, I’ve got some developments to share…
Andrew – So glad to hear the Wolf River Outings are still taking place. Was telling my scout about those trips not that long ago!
Thank you for writing this piece and sharing your memories of a place dear to my heart. I was looking it up to see if any info existed on it, and came across your article. I too was so fortunate to spend many happy times at Ge Ka Wa as a kid. My family is related to Mr. Fox, who was so knowledgeable, an incredible outdoorsman. I know that the name comes from the three founders, and what they made was truely magical. My family spent some memorable weekends in both summer and winter in one of the cabins. I can still vividly remeber the inside of the cabin (green carpet, and a stuffed badger that always fascinated and scared me at night) and the garage that was covered in antlers. In winter we would gather to ice fish and snowmobile on the trails and lakes (the hills were amazing). In the summer, we spent magical days swimming, boating, fishing, feeding the deer (we would ring an old schoolhouse bell and they would all gather to eat). We would gather around the table and play card games in the evening, sharing stories.
I am so happy others now get to spend time on that beautiful land. I just hope it is managed properly and not destroyed. I am sad the cabins are no longer there, or the trails. I hope to go back and share memories with my kids.
Wow, Rebecca thanks for sharing. I had not thought of that stuffed badger until you mentioned it. Such an amazing place that provided so many amazing memories. I recall Mr Fox as well. You should check it out. I want to go back when I have more time to explore some of the trails.
I remember Lee Fox and I believe he is still alive !
The caretakers of the property were Fred Harrison 1967-1975
Ray Mataya 1975–1982
Jack Flynn 1982-85 ??
Then Lee Fox 1986- 2000 ??
My dad and Don Carroll sold thier share to Lee Getschow by 1986.
It’s still my favorite place on Earth 🌎
Thanks for sharing all those details. It is a magical place!